Primary Care for Adults

Adults seeking primary care services can choose between our Family Medicine and Internal Medicine practices.

Looking for geriatric care?

Our primary care teams include providers who focus on the care of older adults. Dartmouth 健康’s Geriatric Center of Excellence (GCOE) offers programs, education, resources and research to support patient-centered care for older adult. Learn more about the GCOE.

Family Medicine

Family Medicine practices provide comprehensive medical care to the entire family, including infants and the elderly. The care they provide includes physical exams, immunizations, routine screenings, and treatment of short-term injuries or illnesses. Learn more about Family Medicine.

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine providers specialize in medical care for adult patients over 16 years of age. These healthcare professionals screen patients for new conditions, and aim to prevent further complications in patients with existing diseases. Our teams include physicians, nurse practitioners, and certified physician assistants. Learn more about Internal Medicine.

Internal Medicine - Pediatrics

Internal Medicine – Pediatrics is the combination of Internal Medicine (primary care for adults) and Pediatrics (primary care for infants, children and adolescents). We are located in the Central Area of the second level of Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Manchester. Our providers work collaboratively with primary care patients who have a variety of chronic illnesses and medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, lung problems and gastrointestinal disorders. Learn more about Internal Medicine - Pediatrics.