
我们使用 诊断测试和程序 to:

  • Measure the levels of various hormones in a patient's body
  • Learn if the endocrine glands are working correctly
  • Determine the cause of an endocrinological problem
  • 确认早期诊断

我们在所有方面都有专长 内分泌系统治疗, including common procedures and cutting-edge technologies.


These are some of the 诊断测试和程序 we use.


在这个测试中, the patient's urine is collected over a 24-hour period, and tested for the amount of hormones in the urine. 我们使用24小时尿液收集测试来测量患者体内各种激素的水平.

If a doctor suspects a patient may have 库兴氏综合征, a condition in which the adrenal glands produce too much cortisol, the doctor will test the collected urine for cortisol. 成年人每天超过50到100微克的皮质醇表明患者可能患有库欣综合征. 尿液收集在家里完成.


促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)是一种由脑下垂体产生的激素,它告诉肾上腺的外部部分产生激素,如皮质醇. 促肾上腺皮质激素刺激试验测量的是注射促肾上腺皮质激素前后血液中的皮质醇水平.

这项检查可以帮助医生判断病人的肾上腺和脑垂体是否正常. 当医生怀疑病人有肾上腺疾病时,通常使用这个短语 阿狄森氏病.


This test uses x射线s to show if a person's bones have lost tissue and minerals. 这是一种常用的评估测试 骨质疏松症, a condition which causes bones to become less dense and weaken. The most common, and accurate, bone density test is dual x射线 absorptiometry.

A doctor may recommend a bone density test for anyone at risk for 骨质疏松症, even if the person has no symptoms of the condition. 国家骨质疏松基金会建议任何65岁以上的女性都要做骨密度测试. Early detection of 骨质疏松症 can help keep the condition from getting worse.


促肾上腺皮质激素(CRH)刺激试验测量的是在注射促肾上腺皮质激素(CRH)合成激素前后血液中的皮质醇水平. 这项测试可以帮助医生确定是什么导致了患者肾上腺激素的下降或上升. CRH是一种自然产生的激素,它使脑垂体分泌促肾上腺皮质激素. 促肾上腺皮质激素告诉肾上腺的外部部分产生激素,如皮质醇.

当医生怀疑患者肾上腺激素过少或过多时,通常会使用该测试, 由紊乱引起的,例如 库兴氏综合征. 病人的皮质醇水平对测试的反应方式可以告诉医生问题是否出在脑垂体上, 下丘脑, 或者肾上腺.


这个测试可以帮助医生了解病人皮质醇水平高的原因. The doctor gives the patient dexamethasone, 皮质醇的合成版本, and checks the patient's urine to see how his or her body responds.

当医生怀疑病人肾上腺激素过多时,通常使用这种测试, 由紊乱引起的,例如 库兴氏综合征. 病人的皮质醇水平对测试的反应方式可以告诉医生问题是否由垂体瘤引起, 或者其他原因.


在细针穿刺活检中,医生用一根小针从细胞中取出细胞样本 甲状腺结节 (甲状腺上的肿块或生长). 然后将样本送到实验室以确定结节是否是恶性的。.

医生可能会要求细针穿刺活检来判断甲状腺结节是良性(非癌性)还是恶性(癌性)。. The procedure is almost completely accurate in diagnosing a malignancy. It can eliminate the need for other tests, such as ultrasound or a 甲状腺扫描.

Five-day glucose sensor test (for 糖尿病)

该测试使用一个小型传感器和一个电子记录仪来监测患者的血糖(葡萄糖)水平 糖尿病. The test allows a doctor to find patterns in a patient's blood sugar levels, and discover ways to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

如果医生怀疑病人有危险的低血糖(低血糖症)发作,通常会建议进行为期5天的血糖传感器测试。. 该测试可以在夜间测量血糖水平,此时患者无法进行手动测试.


这个测试可以帮助医生诊断 糖尿病. 它通常用于检查 妊娠期糖尿病, a condition that some women develop during the late stages of pregnancy. 该测试测量一个人处理葡萄糖的能力,葡萄糖是身体用作燃料的糖. After the patient drinks a glucose solution, 医生在一段时间内多次检查病人的血糖水平.

一个较短的葡萄糖激发筛选试验评估孕妇妊娠糖尿病. This is usually done between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy. 如果筛查结果显示女性可能患有妊娠糖尿病, a doctor will recommend the longer oral glucose tolerance test.


精液分析是检查男性精子健康状况的一项或一系列测试. It is used to help diagnose why a couple is having trouble getting pregnant.

精液分析 can help a doctor learn if 不孕不育 is caused by the man's body producing no sperm, 精子太少, or defective sperm that die before the woman's egg can be fertilized. 在男性做了输精管切除术(绝育手术)以确保精液中没有精子后,也可以使用该测试.


甲状腺扫描是在你吞下少量放射性碘后对甲状腺所做的图像. Because the thyroid naturally uses iodine to produce some of its hormones, 它吸收放射性物质. This substance emits energy and allows the image to be made. The image will show if the thyroid gland is enlarged and overactive. 甲状腺扫描s are often used to diagnose 甲状腺机能亢进,并调查 甲状腺结节.


Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is made by the pituitary gland. It normally stimulates the thyroid to produce its hormones. In 甲状腺功能减退, TSH is not used by the thyroid, and its levels remain high in the blood. A TSH血检 checks for increased levels of this hormone.

A TSH血检 is a common and important test for diagnosing 甲状腺功能减退, a condition in which the thyroid gland produces fewer hormones than the body needs.


These are some of the treatments we specialize in.

Biphosphonate therapy (for 骨质疏松症)

Bisphosphonates are used to both prevent and treat 骨质疏松症 绝经后的女性. 这些药物有助于减缓骨密度的流失,从而降低脊柱和髋部骨折的风险. Alendronate (Fosamax) and risedronate (Actonel) are two kinds of biphosphonates.

如果是骨密度测试, x射线, or other diagnostic test shows that you have 骨质疏松症, your doctor may prescribe bisphosphonates to preserve the density of your bones. Biphosphonates are also used to treat other bone diseases, such as 佩吉特氏病.


胰岛素泵是人体制造和输送自身胰岛素的最接近的替代品. 黎巴嫩十大博彩推荐排名希区柯克医疗中心的糖尿病项目为糖尿病患者提供泵. 了解更多有关 胰岛素泵程序.


在男性激素替代疗法中, 男性服用睾酮, 雄性激素负责发育男性性器官和产生男性特征,如面部毛发和肌肉. 男性激素替代疗法 is most often used to correct the symptoms of 男性性腺机能减退, a condition in which a man's body makes very little testosterone.

Parathyroid hormone therapy (for 骨质疏松症)

Parathyroid hormone therapy uses Teriparatide (Forteo), a synthetic form of the hormone produced by the parathyroid glands (PTH). 这种药能刺激新骨生长. 它是用来治疗 骨质疏松症 in people who are at high risk of fractures, most often postmenopausal women.

医生可能会建议已经因骨质疏松而骨折的患者使用甲状旁腺激素治疗, 谁的骨量低到危险的程度, and who has not responded to other treatments.


In pituitary hormone replacement therapy, 患者服用激素来替代脑下垂体不能产生的激素. 这些激素包括促肾上腺皮质激素, TSH, 抗利尿激素(ADH), 性荷尔蒙, 催乳激素, 生长激素.

这种疗法是用来治疗 hypopituitarism, 脑下垂体不分泌一种或多种激素的状态, or is producing them at lower than normal levels.


放射性碘疗法 is used as a treatment for 甲状腺机能亢进, 如果抗甲状腺药物或切除部分甲状腺的手术不能治愈病情. 在放射性碘治疗中, 病人吞下少量放射性物质以破坏部分或全部甲状腺, and make it unable to produce thyroid hormones. The treatment is safe, and has been used for over 50 years.

一剂放射性碘治疗可以治愈80%或更多的甲亢. 这种疗法也用于治疗 甲状腺结节 that produce excessive amounts of thyroid hormone. 医生有时会建议用放射性碘治疗甲状腺癌, after a patient's thyroid gland has been removed by surgery. The treatment ensures that no thyroid tissue remains after surgery


在甲状腺激素替代疗法中, 患者服用一种合成的甲状腺激素来提高这些激素的低水平. These low levels are caused by an underactive thyroid gland. 这种疗法是用来治疗 甲状腺功能减退, a condition in which a person's thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. It is also used to control the growth of a goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), or 甲状腺结节.