Save Time – Cook in Batches

Platter of cut vegetables

充分利用你宝贵的时间,一次准备三顿饭. Use these instructions paired with the Moroccan Carrot, 小扁豆 and Prune Soup; 烤彩虹; and Spinach Frittata 下面的食谱.

Tips for success: 在你的一周中留出时间来购买和准备这些食谱. 你可以通过一次购物和烹饪来节省时间.


  • 6个胡萝卜
  • 2 peppers (Don’t like peppers? 选择其他蔬菜,如西葫芦、西兰花或花椰菜)
  • 3个洋葱
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ¾ cup dried red lentils
  • ½ cup pitted prunes
  • 14-ounce can diced tomatoes
  • 4 cups vegetable broth (one 32-ounce box)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Cilantro - fresh or dried (optional)
  • Parsley - fresh or dried (optional)
  • 6个鸡蛋
  • Feta or cheddar cheese (optional)


  • Olive or canola oil
  • 香料:孜然粉,咖喱粉,肉桂,盐,胡椒
  • 可选香料:碎香菜,红辣椒片,干百里香或牛至

Set up your workstation:

  1. Have recipes handy for reference (Moroccan Carrot, 小扁豆, and Prune Soup; 烤彩虹; and Spinach Frittata).
  2. Set out two large mixing bowls, a large lidded pot for the soup, 一个铸铁或其他大的煎锅用来做煎蛋饼,一个有边的烤盘用来烤蔬菜.
  3. Gather ingredients listed in the Moroccan Carrot, 小扁豆, 和西梅汤食谱-还没有开始切蔬菜-准备好后进行下一部分.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 3个洋葱: 1个洋葱切成小块(直接放入汤锅中), 将1个洋葱切成小块用于煎蛋饼(放在碗里备用),最后一个洋葱切成大块烤(直接放在有边的烤盘上).
  • 胡萝卜: 将3根胡萝卜切成小块,放入碗中备用。, 再切1个小块用于煎蛋饼(与切碎的洋葱一起放入搅拌碗中),最后2个切成大块烤(与洋葱一起放在有边的烤盘上)。.
  • 辣椒: 不要放在汤里,但是切其他蔬菜的时候切这些. 把煎蛋饼切成小块(或者半个辣椒), if it’s large and add to existing frittata bowl), and cut remaining into larger chunks to roast, place on rimmed baking sheet.
  • 大蒜: 将2颗丁香切成小丁,加入胡萝卜丁搅拌碗中煮汤.

在你准备好这些蔬菜之后,继续下面的汤食谱. While soup simmers (use a timer!)按照 烤彩虹 recipe below, using the veggies you’ve prepared. 把油和香料加到烤盘上. 如果这张纸太挤,再铺上一张.

Once the veggies are roasting, begin frittata. 你可以稍微改变一下食谱,加入胡萝卜,不放菠菜.

这三个食谱是一周均衡饮食的一个很好的开始! Frittata can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Roasted veggies can be added to salads, eaten as a side at dinner time, or in an omelet for breakfast. 如果你住在一个小家庭,连续几天喝汤可能会感到厌倦,可以考虑冷冻多余的汤. 在冷冻容器上贴上日期和食品名称,以避免容器神秘!


Moroccan Carrot, 小扁豆 and Prune Soup

4 Servings (1 cup)
Prep Time: 10 minutes / Cook time: 40-50 minutes


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1个洋葱,切丁
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 carrots, finely diced
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • ¾ cup dried red lentils
  • ½ cup pitted and chopped prunes
  • 14-oz can diced tomatoes
  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley (optional)
  • 盐和胡椒 to taste

Moroccan Carrot, 小扁豆 and Prune Soup











  • 在大炖锅中用中低火加热油和洋葱. Cook for 5-7 minutes or until softened.
  • Increase heat to medium. Add cumin, coriander, turmeric and cinnamon. Cook for 1 minute.
  • Add carrots, garlic and 1/3 cup water. Cook, covered, for 5 minutes. Check after a couple of minutes. 如果粘在锅底,加一点水使其松动.
  • Add lentils and prunes, mix well. Stir in tomatoes, bring to a boil. Stir in stock and reduce heat. 炖30分钟或直到蔬菜和小扁豆变软.
  • 加入柠檬汁、香菜、欧芹、盐和胡椒粉搅拌.

Nutrition information
(per serving; using regular—not low-sodium—broth)

热量323卡路里|总脂肪7g |饱和脂肪1g |钠577毫克|总碳水化合物53g |膳食纤维12g |糖18g |蛋白质12g


  • 换掉不同的蔬菜,比如你更喜欢的蔬菜或你家里有的蔬菜.
  • 夏南瓜、西葫芦、茄子、土豆、玉米和新鲜西红柿都是很好的添加剂.
  • Get creative with your spices. 如果你以前没有吃过,可以试试碎豆蔻、香菜、辣椒片和干香草.


6 Servings (1 cup)
Prep Time: 10-20 minutes / Cook time: 40-50 minutes


  • 1个洋葱
  • 1胡椒
  • 两个胡萝卜
  • Small head of broccoli / cauliflower
  • 可选:半磅抱子甘蓝、蘑菇、冬瓜或土豆
  • ½ cup olive oil*
  • 盐,胡椒
  • 香料的想法:
    • ¼ teaspoon each cumin and coriander
    • ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes
    • 半茶匙新鲜或干香草(如莳萝、牛至、欧芹、迷迭香或百里香)


  • Preheat oven to 400°F.
  • Wash and cut vegetables into the same size pieces. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will cook:
    • 像抱子甘蓝和胡萝卜这样的耐寒蔬菜需要更长的烹饪时间,如果和辣椒等其他蔬菜混合在一起,应该切成小块, 洋葱, broccoli and mushrooms.
  • 在烤盘上,将蔬菜与橄榄油、盐、胡椒和香料(如果需要的话)一起搅拌。.

*You may need to adjust the amount of olive oil. 用足够的量涂在蔬菜上,直到所有东西都有光泽,但不会滴水.

  • Cook in the oven for 35-45 minutes, checking every 5-10 and stirring if needed, until fork-tender and slightly browned.

Nutrition information
(per 1 cup serving; using 1个洋葱, 1个红辣椒, 1 head broccoli, ½ pound Brussel sprouts, ½ cup olive oil, 半茶匙盐)

Calories 219 | Total fat 19g | Saturated fat 2.5g | Sodium 23mg | Total carbohydrate 12g |
Dietary fiber 6g | Sugars 4.5g |蛋白质5g (spices and pepper do not contain calories or sodium)

烤彩虹 vegetables


  • 这个食谱可以只用一到两种蔬菜——选择你喜欢的! The quantities in the ingredients are not exact. 您可以使用或多或少,并根据说明调整油.
  • 这个食谱可以用平底锅代替烤箱来做.
  • Consider microwaving (with a little water, 把胡萝卜和球芽甘蓝盖上盖子,在烘烤或加热前放上几分钟,这样煮得更快.

Spinach Frittata

4 servings (2 slices)
Prep Time: 10 minutes / Cook time: 10 minutes


  • 6个鸡蛋
  • 盐和胡椒
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil or canola oil
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 1 small red pepper, diced
  • 1 cup chopped fresh spinach
  • 可选——1 / 4杯碎羊乳酪或切达干酪丝
  • Optional - dried herbs or spices


  • Whisk eggs with salt and pepper.
  • 在铸铁煎锅或不粘锅中加入一汤匙油,用中低火煎洋葱, 辣椒和香草/香料煎至焦黄(约3-5分钟).
  • 加入菠菜,再炒1-2分钟,或者直到变干.
  • Spread pan contents evenly and add additional oil. 把鸡蛋均匀地倒进锅里(不需要搅拌),如果需要的话,在上面撒上奶酪. Cook over low heat until set, about 7 minutes.
  • Cool, slice and serve.

Spinach Frittata


Nutrition information

(per 2-slice serving= ¼ frittata); using large eggs, 半茶匙盐, ¼ cup feta cheese, and all other ingredients as listed above)

热量220卡路里|总脂肪16g |饱和脂肪5g |钠510mg |总碳水化合物7g |膳食纤维2g·|糖4g |蛋白质12g(根据鸡蛋大小而定)


  • Choose other fillings! Just cook (or warm) completely before adding the eggs.
  • To use frozen spinach, 微波炉加热至室温,用干净的洗碗毛巾挤出多余的水分.
  • If your pan is oven-safe, 在加入鸡蛋和奶酪后,你可以把它移到烤箱(350华氏度)来完成烹饪.