“The decision to end a pregnancy is a medical conversation, not a legal or political one.乔安妮·米 .的观点文章. 康罗伊博士

乔安妮·米. 康罗伊博士

正如人们所预料的,也正如许多人所担心的那样,美国将采取行动.S. Supreme Court has rolled back the privacy rights of women to make their own choices about their health care in the official decision released on Friday to overturn Roe v. 韦德.

Dobbs诉. Jackson Women’s 健康 Organization – the Mississippi case that overturned Roe – is having seismic impacts across all of American society. Much of the discussion of Friday’s announcement has centered on the legal and political aspects of the ruling, as well as the concurrent opinions of the Court and their potential impact on other human rights beyond the health choices of women. 考虑避孕, 异族通婚, transgender decisions and same sex marri年龄 that are examples of many rights advocated for and achieved in the last 20 years.

在我看来, 作为一名领导主要学术卫生系统的女医生, 重要的是要记住这是, 首先是医疗问题. 近50年来, the Supreme Court decision in Roe affirmed a patient’s right to make their own choices around healthcare – including the termination of a pregnancy – and allowed medical personnel, 在医学上可接受的环境中, 合法地进行堕胎.

健康care providers must now acknowledge that the loss of this freedom and the state-by-state legislation to protect or restrict a pregnant person’s rights will have a health impact on our communities including, 但不限于, 培训和供应急需的妇产科医生. Nearly 45% of the 286 obstetrics and gynecology residency programs across the United States are in the 26 states certain or likely to ban abortion under Dobbs. Training in pregnancy termination provides practitioners with the skills needed to man年龄 miscarri年龄s, 死胎子宫引流术, 异位妊娠, 以及创伤知情护理, 所有这些都可能威胁到一个女人的生命. 没有这个重要的训练, these practitioners will be less surgically prepared to provide the full scope of care for their patients.    And at a time when we are facing workforce short年龄s across all of healthcare, the Dobbs decision will further impact our ability to attract and retain well-trained providers in women’s health specialties.

The decision to end a pregnancy is a medical conversation, not a legal or political one. It is a harsh truth that for a devastating number of people in the United States, 怀孕不是一件快乐的事, 甚至是安全的. 美国.S. 产妇死亡率是发达国家中最高的吗, 产妇死亡率仍在上升. The statistics on intimate partner violence are particularly bleak for young pregnant women (年龄s 24 and under). 与其他未怀孕的同龄女性相比, pregnant women face a 16 percent increased risk of dying by homicide and black women face three times the risk of dying than their white counterparts. 大多数是被伴侣杀死的.  针对亲密伴侣暴力的受害者, 避孕既不容易获得,也不可靠有效. An estimated 16 percent of women 年龄s 18 to 44 have experienced reproductive coercion—一种“隐藏形式”的暴力 against women characterized by behaviors intended to exert power and control over another person’s reproductive health and decisions.

Among the most impacted by Friday’s decision will be those who do not have the resources to travel out of state. 很明显,一个人的种族, 年龄, 社会经济地位, 或者邮政编码将成为健康结果的决定因素.

打扫奶奶家的时候, I found my great grandmother’s handwritten recipe of a common mixture of herbs and heavy metals used to end a pregnancy. 这些对母亲来说往往是危险的, 如果怀孕到足月,可能会导致出生缺陷. 随着罗伊案被推翻, will the health system be overwhelmed with women who have resorted to using back-alley methods from days gone by to end their pregnancies in desperation? 也许不是, 但我相信, 使用互联网, women will seek out methods to medically end their pregnancies that are unproven and dangerous. We have not yet begun to calculate the impact of this desperation on our communities.

在周五法院宣布判决之前, nearly 70% of Americans said they support the right to make this difficult choice in consultation with a medical provider. 从周五开始,a 哥伦比亚广播十大博彩推荐排名民调 shows that more than half of Americans – and two-thirds of women – oppose the Supreme Court’s overturning of the decision.

The best thing that we can do as a society is to support every woman’s ability to plan her family. This is how female physicians navigate the demands of medical school and residency. Deciding when you want to begin or expand your family is critical to balancing the multiple demands of your personal and professional life.

You cannot tie women to an antiquated vision of what some believe life “should” be like. Women like my great-grandmother have for generations strained against the bonds of unequal laws that have had the potential to harm their health. 今天的女性也不例外. 他们会逃脱它,即使他们死在尝试.


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